important Unix commands

1.      Top 5 memory consumption process.
ps aux --sort=-%mem | awk 'NR<=10{print $0}'

2.      Count number of files which are in directory.

ls -1 | wc –l

3.      Find specific word from folder

grep -Rw /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/work/ -e 'error'

4.      Find specific word from folder

grep "redeem reward" /home/tom/*.txt

grep "redeem reward" ~/*.txt

5.      Copy file from one path to other

scp -r Filename OSUserID@IP:Path

scp -r CSR0120031469_0092937.PAT sidadm@

6.      Delete files before certain days

find /backup/SID/log -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
7.      Find files before certain days

find /backup/SID/log -mtime +90 –print

8.      Take output of any command to file

Df –Ph >> xyz


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