Restart HANA System

  Stopping Sequence à

        1.       Stop Passive Node (***hana***p)
        2.       Stop Active Node (***hana***a)

Login to Passive Node à ***hana***p (10.**.**.**)
Execute the command à HDB stop

To check if HANA System is down à HDB info

Login to Active HANA Node à ***hana***a (10.**.**.$$)
Execute the command à HDB stop
To check if the HANA System à HDB info
Starting Sequence

      1.       Start Active Node (***hana***a)
      2.       Start Passive Node (***hana***

To start the HANA System login to Active Node and execute the following command
HDB start

To check the status of the HANA System

Note that all the HANA Services (hdbnameserver, hdbindexserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbcompileserver, hdbxsengine, 
hdbwebdispatcher, sapstartsrv) should be visible.
In HANA Studio

Start the HANA System on the Passive Node


In case of errors kindly check the Statup/Stop logs in the following path :-

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